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We are thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the highly anticipated Equity Summit 2024, taking place on September 24th in the heart of Washington D.C. and online. The Equity Summit is the only national conference focused solely on the issues impacting older workers and job seekers.
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November 07, 2023

Revolutionizing Retirement: Age-Friendly Design Thinking and the Reintegration of Older Workers into the Workforce


Hand holding drawing virtual lightbulb with brain on bokeh background for creative and smart thinking idea concep

The traditional concept of retirement is undergoing a seismic shift, driven by an aging population, financial pressures, and a desire for continued engagement. For many older workers, the retirement system is broken, requiring them to stay or return to the workforce. Only 57% of older workers (ages 55–64) and 53% of prime-age workers (ages 25–54) participate in an employer-based retirement plan, and this share plunges to 25% for workers ages 65 and older. Age-friendly design thinking is a powerful tool for dismantling these barriers, redefining what retirement means, and ensuring that older individuals have equal access to employment opportunities. This article delves into the transformative impact of age-friendly design thinking on reintegration and access to the workforce for older employees.


Retirement Redefined:

Once workers reach older ages, especially Black and brown workers, those who are not financially able to retire must accept low wages and poor working conditions because they know they have little chance of finding a better job, or any job at all, if they lose employment. Age-friendly design thinking challenges the rigid notion of retirement. It advocates for a flexible approach that accommodates the diverse needs and preferences of older workers. This allows them to stay engaged in the workforce if they choose, leading to economic security and personal fulfillment.


Skills Rejuvenation:

The skills and experience of older workers are valuable assets, often overlooked by traditional hiring processes. Age-friendly design encourages employers to implement programs that facilitate skills rejuvenation and retraining. Approximately 90% of workforce development programs provide services to students and younger adults, leaving just 10% to address the needs of adults age 50+. Promoting continuous training opportunities for older workers is key. This not only benefits the older workers but also fills critical skill gaps in various industries.


Financial Security:

Economic disparities, inadequate savings, and financial instability often force older individuals back into the workforce. More than 17 million older adults age 65+ are economically insecure, with incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level. Age-friendly design advocates for policies that address these systemic issues, ensuring financial security and reducing the compulsion to reenter the job market out of necessity.


Inclusive Work Environments:

More than 40% of workers over the age of 40 say they’ve experienced age discrimination at work in the last three years, according to a recent AARP survey. Creating age-inclusive workplaces is a cornerstone of age-friendly design. It promotes adapting physical and digital work environments to accommodate older employees, making it easier for them to return to or continue working without encountering age-related barriers.


Mentorship Opportunities:

Many older workers are eager to share their knowledge and expertise. Age-friendly design thinking promotes mentorship programs that facilitate knowledge transfer between generations. This creates a supportive environment where older workers can contribute while learning from their younger counterparts. Intergenerational knowledge transfer benefits both the individual and the organization. By combining the skills of employees from different generations in the same industry, they are better able to grow their skills and become more competitive.



Age-friendly design thinking is driving a profound transformation in the way society views retirement and the opportunities for older workers. By redefining retirement, rejuvenating skills, addressing financial disparities, creating inclusive work environments, and promoting mentorship, we can bridge the gap and provide older workers with the access they need and deserve in the workforce. This approach ensures that the decision to stay or return to work is driven by choice rather than necessity, offering economic security, personal fulfillment, and a more inclusive society where the talents and experiences of older individuals are celebrated and valued. In this reimagined future, the retirement system becomes a source of opportunity rather than a barrier to workforce participation.